Trading Tools
Trading Tools: SwapSights provides its users with trading tools which make trading both easier and more efficient. These tools are detailed below. All trades made via the platform are subject to a trading fee of 0.25%, the revenue from which is broken down as per the revenue share section.
Stop Loss & Take Profit: This tool allows users to set sell prices both above & below their entry point, and have the SwapSights platform automatically execute the trade.
Limit Orders: This tool allows users to set a buy in price, and have the SwapSights platform automatically execute the trade.
Sniper Bots & Programs: This collection of tools provide users with a multitude of sniping options. The sniper allows for multi wallet snipes on already launched projects, as well as automatic sniping upon the addition of liquidity or the enabling of trading.
Anti Rug: SwapSights state of the art anti rug features frontruns rugpull transactions on tokens held in your wallet.
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