Sights Token & Revenue Share
SIGHTS Token: The SIGHTS Token is the native currency of the SwapSights trading ecosystem. It allows its holders to benefit from SwapSights’s 50% revenue share program, while also granting access to more advanced plans, trading analytics & trading tools. In order to access the Elite SwapSights plan, a minimum token holding amount is required.
Sights Tokenomics:
Total Supply: 1 000 000
Buy Fee: 5% (4% Marketing, 1% Liquidity)
Sell Fee: 5% (4% Marketing, 1% Liquidity)
Revenue Share: 50% of all revenues collected by the platform from both subscriptions and trading fees are shared with token holders.
These royalties are proportionally distributed between all holders on a bi-weekly basis via the medium of a mass airdrop.
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